Tuesday, 4 September 2012


Just a quick post from my phone. It's been ages since I blogged and there is a lot blossoming in my life at the moment besides the spring weather, but as growing and flowering begins in the natural I wanted to share some pics. We had an overgrown patch that looks like it used to be a veggie garden so we cleared it out and it's ready to add manure and get planting some veggies of our own, yay!! We also have some daffodils growing that were given to my girls as bulbs at my church sisterhood meetings after colour conference this year to carry on the theme of flourishing as we're planted in the house of the Lord. We planted them when we moved to this new house and the girls have been very excited to watch them grow. Spring is such an exciting season and as the weather warms up hopefully we will soon be able to try out our pool as well :-)
Ps. It put the pics in random order and I have no idea how to change it on my phone, it's meant to be before and after shots but doesn't seem to have quite worked that way.

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